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Nalorakk – The Bear
Nalorakk, also known as The Strong and The Rage, is the Bear Loa of the Amani. Nalorakk is above all associated with pure strength, and it is no surprise most of his followers are warriors and guardians, using His blessing to strike powerful blows against their enemies. Their mighty roars of battle are said to echo the voice of the powerful forest bear himself – a follower of Nalorakk will never back down from a worthy challenge.
Nalorakk – and His followers – are often not the one to starts fights of cause trouble, however – while He represents rage, strength, durability and fury on one hand, He represents comfort and laziness on the other. Usually dormant during the winter moons, Nalorakk understands time for rest and comfort is important so that He can be strong when needed, and the Bear only shows His true strength until He is provoked. This happens more often than not, however, and sometimes unintentional, as Nalorakk is known to be quick to anger.
Amani who do not serve the Bear Loa still won’t forget to show Nalorakk respect, for He has gifted the Amani with mighty battlebears to ride and fight by their side.

Akil’zon – The Eagle
Akil’zon is the mighty eagle spirit, soaring high above the Amani. He is also known as The Wind Rider, a name He has gotten for the agility and control that comes with being one with the element of air, some even say Akil’Zon’s mighty wings can create whirlwinds and storms when he bats them.
It is said that Shango, the Loa of Storms, has taken a rather strange liking to Akil’Zon: Not only does He allow the bird Loa to make use of the skies without smiting Him down with lightening, but He has also blessed Him with use of said elemental ability; the two of them guard the sky from any foolish Trolls who believe themselves skilled enough to enter their realm. Even then, the power of lightning is a last resort for the Eagle and He often prefers assaulting His prey with claw and beak after picking His prey from miles away. The Amani believe that once the Eagle set His eyes on you, you are doomed to fall within His claws eventually, for there is no escape from someone who can see the world from the skies above.
Followers of Akil’zon are blessed with swift movement and lightening reflexes. While some call upon His gifts to control the winds around them, many revere Him for His sharp sight and grow up to be skilled scouts and hunters.

Jan’alai – The Dragonhawk
Jan’alai, also known as The Everburning and The Flame is the Amani Dragonhawk and represents the element of fire. While the Amani tribe is not often associated with creatures as deft and majestic as the Dragonhawk, it is said that Jan’alai ensured the trolls’ survival by the gift of fire, granting the first Amani warmth and light in their dark forests and that the trolls owe Her ever since.
Where Her gifts were used for cooking and campfires at first the Amani have long since discovered the Loa’s true potential: fiercely passionate and quick to anger, Jan’alai will let her flames scorch any who oppose her and the most loyal servants of Jan’alai tend to be fireweavers or elementalists, calling upon Her gifts to create infernos of raging flames. Even those who do not dedicate their lives to the Dragonhawk are said to carry some of Jan’alai within them: it is said She represents the fiery spirit of the Forest Trolls, and that Her fires purge Troll blood of weaknesses at birth.
The Dragonhawk is not only the worshipped as the Loa of Fire, but also as the guardian of hatcheries and rookeries, and it is not uncommon for a mother to pay tribute to Jan’alai in hopes She will protect her children.

Halazzi – The Lynx
Halazzi is the Amani Lynx. He also holds names like The Wicked and The Swift. He is the epitome of swiftness and agility, using His great dexterity to out-manoeuvre his opponents. Unlike most Halazzi does not aim for a clean kill, instead the Lynx is known to toy with His prey and create wicked games out of the hunt before shredding His victims with razorsharp teeth and claws.
He is unpredictable and playful in nature. Young trolls drawn to Halazzi are often mischievous, playing games of hide and seek and pulling pranks on the elders until they are old enough to join hunts.Adult followers of Halazzi lean toward the more agile of physical prowess. They are great stalkers and assassins, and often take great pride and joy in a grotesque kill. Adapting the wicked nature of their Patron Loa, they tend to enjoy toying with their prey before allowing it to meet its death and often do so in groups, understanding power comes in numbers.
Assassins that fight under Halazzi’s name can call upon His gifts and meld with the shadows, effectively stalking their prey without being seen or heard.

Akil’darah – Eagle of the Hintherlands
Akil’darah, a Loa worshipped in the Hinterlands, is at first glimpse similar to Akil’zon: Her domain is the skies and She too takes the form of a mighty eagle. Her sharp sight, however, is not primarily meant to track prey and foes: where Akil’zon hunts, Akil’darah watches, seeing and remembering all that happens in the world below Her, granting Her the wisdom She is known for.
It is no surprise then that She is often called upon by Seers or trolls seeking visions and clarity. Where Akil’zon brings whirlwinds and lightning, Akil’darah brings the calm breeze and focus. She soars the skies in silence, rarely seen by trolls and Her mysterious nature has contributed to many myths and beliefs surrounding Her.
While She will not hesitate to use Her claws and beak on anyone who wrongs Her, She is considered a guide more than a warrior or hunter. Forest Trolls often bring tribute to Akil’darah to grant them a swift and safe travel, be it to lands never explored or journeys made countless of times before, and lost trolls often find themselves looking up at the skies instinctively for any sign of Her.
It is not only the living She guides, for it is often believed a silent eagle roaming the skies means Akil’darah is on Her way to bring a fallen troll to the realm of the Dead – or to deliver the spirit ready to be reincarnated within the body of a soon-to-be-born troll. Depending on Her intent trolls often try to either chase the eagles visiting their village away or eagerly await them with food and offerings.