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Quetz’lun – The Wind Serpent
Quetz’lun is the Drakkari Wind Serpent. Many call Her The Vengeful, some call Her The Hateful. For it is the zealous act of vengeance this Loa is known for. Those that do this Loa wrong might see their lives being dramatically shortened, only to be tormented by Her in Her own realm of nightmares. Quetz’lun executes Her wrath with subtle, dark voodoo known only to the most legendary of hexxers.
The followers of Quetz’lun are rare and often specialise in the art of curses. When they have concluded their decade-long trainings they are a force to be reckoned with and are often hired to perform acts of vengeance.

Mam’toth – The Mammoth
Mam’toth is the Drakkari Mammoth. Mam’toth may be called The Mountain or The Hairy in different contexts. Famed for His patience and longevity, the Mammoth is often prayed to by those who seek to live a long life. He is often associated with the art of writing, whether it be in runes or the more traditional symbols.
The followers of Mam’toth are often somewhat older and wiser. Those who survived following Akali can often be found amongst them. The followers of the mammoth occupy themselves with collecting the best of stories and writing them down for the next generation.
Following the rise of the Scourge and the Drakkari turning to sacrifice their own Loa in exchange for power, Mam’toth destroyed Himself, His temple and the followers present, resulting in the creation of the Mam’toth Crater. This means that Mam’toth’s spirit is forever lost, and may never return to the strength it once had.

Akali – The Rhino
Akali is the Drakkari Rhino. His other names are The Enduring and The Hardy. The Rhino is excellent at pushing His limits. His thick skin protects him against most danger, so He is not afraid to seek it out. Akali is a fierce protector of that what He cares for and can become raged very quickly if matters do not go His way.
The followers of Akali act first and think later – charging headfirst into whatever challenge they may face. These followers often expose themselves to extreme conditions to harden and strengthen their bodies and spirits. They are some of the toughest and most enduring Trolls that the world knows, for many of those that do not succeed their trials perish.

Har’Koa – The Snow Leopard
Har’koa is the Drakkari Snow Leopard. With Her pristine white fur adorned with black spots She cloaks Herself in the snowy terrain of Northrend, stalking Her prey. While hunters call upon Har’koa for Her skills and knowledge of survival in the harsh northern climate, Har’koa is also considered one of the more kind Drakkari Loa. Upon the rise of the Scourge and the slaying of the Drakkari Loa, Har’koa was the one who mourned the death of Her fellow Loa and tried to seek out help for them.
She is the Loa most Drakkari whelps first call upon as She protects them during the cold winter months, letting them feel the warmth of Her fur. While the snow leopard is an animal of solitude and one who hunts alone, Har’koa is known for seeking the company of another snow leopard – Loque’nahak. Even while mated, snow leopards are known for their independance. Loque’nahak was last seen wandering as far as to the green jungles of Sholazar Basin, where he currently resides.
This is reflected in the followers of Har’koa. They are known for going out alone on hunts that can span up to being weeks long. They are as fierce as their matron, often showing their decisive and dominant nature. Menders also look to Her for Her abilities to cleanse. It is said that a single whisker from Har’koa was able to cleanse one of Her children from corruption. This has lead to menders including the whiskers of a snow leopard in their practices.

Rhunok – The White Bear
Rhunok is the Drakkari Arctic Bear. He is sometimes called The Mighty and The Determined. When the Arctic Bear locks in on a prey it is not often His target gets away. By land or by sea, Rhunok will tracks His food down and ravage it before it feasts on the bloody remains. While savage, He is often associated with power and glory. Upon the rise of the Scourge and the slaying of the Drakkari Loa, Rhunok asked those sent to aid Him by Har’koa to kill Him – refusing to grant His followers the pleasure of the kill as well as gaining His power.
Rhunok’s followers are often warriors who are eager to prove their worth on the battlefield and test their strength against eachother.The followers of Rhunok walk with pride and confidence, knowing that they are the masters of their craft. They do not accept failure or weakness as they see it as an insult to their Loa.

Sseratus – The Serpent
Sseratus is the Drakkari Serpent. He is also known as The Whisperer and The Devourer. He is known for his savage lust for flesh and his manner of obtaining it: He manipulates others to do his bidding. Sseratus would be considered to be a very Dark Loa in many Troll cultures, but in the Drakkari pantheon he is revered for being the shameless opportunist that He is.
The followers of Sseratus stop at nothing to attain their goals. They often pay the prices that they have to pay, but they’d rather not pay at all. For a follower of Sseratus the easiest way is the best way.

Tharon’ja – The Guardian
Tharon’ja is revered among the Drakkari as a guardian and protector. For centuries, He was tasked with protecting the mighty stronghold of Drak’tharon Keep. While many of the Loa who take the shape of a Wind Serpent are associated with hunger for power and treachery, Tharon’ja’s virtues are loyalty, selflessness, determination and unwavering endurance.
Tharon’ja’s form is skeletal, a flying serpent of bone and dried tendons. Some of the Drakkari believe the Guardian once was a serpent who looked as mighty as Sseratus and Quetz’lun. The Loa protected the Keep for hundreds of years, never leaving His duty in favour of hunts or battle, and in times prosperity it was easy to forget to praise the Loa guarding the lands. Instead of demanding offerings Tharon’ja kept quiet, forever guarding the gates and refusing to leave it even when the flesh started to rot from His frame. Drakkari who praise Tharon’ja for this often take the mantle of loyal warriors, and revere His selflessness and self-sacrifice.
Others believe, however, that Tharon’ja had picked His unnerving form on purpose to fit the dark powers He is able to cast upon anyone who dares to intrude the Drakkari’s lands. With dark curses and spells Tharon’ja is able to make flesh fall from bone within the blink of an eye. Trolls drawn to this aspect of the Wind Serpent often specialize in dark curses and unleash them upon anyone who proves a threat to the Drakkari Empire.