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Mueh’zala – The Endless
Ueetay no Mueh’Zala, also known as The Father of Sleep or The Son of Time is a Loa primarily worshipped by the Sandfury Trolls. Known for His hunger for souls and wish to feast on all of Azeroth, Mueh’zala strikes fear into the hearts of His followers. No one truly knows how Mueh’zala looks like as it is said that when He comes to reap the final breath of a dying troll, He will take the form of an amalgamation of that troll’s fears. His form is ever-changing, ever-shifting – His shadow melting from one shape into another.
Despite His dark intent Mueh’zala is often praised among the Sandfury. Some believe is it by Mueh’zala’s grace the Sand Trolls are able to survive in the deserts where no one else could thrive. Ceremonies where Mueh’zala is praised in exchange for a long and healthy life for a newborn child are common, and some Sandfury believe Mueh’zala is able to grant life to the sick and dying for a price – often in the form of another soul to feast upon.
It is also said that Mueh’zala is the one who gives the trolls the ability to dream. Often called the Father of Sleep may enter the dreams of trolls to show them images of what they want or need – or what they should fear.
Hexxers often lean toward Mueh’Zala, carrying the gifts of His withering touch, manipulating the dreams and visions of others, or calling upon His abilities to refuse the peace of death. There are many warriors and hunters devoted to Him as well, dutifully assisting the Sleeper in collecting spirits.

Shadra – The Spider
Shadra, Elortha no Shadra, The Venom Queen, Silk Dancer and Mistress of Spies. The Spider Loa is one of the most wide-spread Loa, the reach of Her power through Her children stretching from the jungles of Stranglethorn to the desert of Tanaris. Wherever there are shadows Her children will weave their webs and through their silk Shadra will see, Shadra will hear.
She lives to search for the hidden knowledge, hoarding Her secrets and waiting for the right time to send them out into the world, causing distrust and weaving intricate webs of lies and deceit. For a lie told or a secret revealed at the right time and in the right place can be just as deadly as the most lethal of venoms.
Followers of Shadra would rather depend on the sharpness of their tongue than the sharpness of their blade. They’re strategists and schemers, often valuing their own wellbeing over that of others. They weave their words into a web of deceit, capturing anyone not careful enough to avoid the deceptive traps the Shadralings weave.
Trolls might pray to Shadra for signs to aid them in their campaigns, their strategies, their political manoeuvres and their search for what is missing. They may seek out Her children for their venoms, seeking to distil and utilize them to create the most devilish, lethal poisons.

Kimbul – Tiger of the Sands
Kimbul is also known as Eraka no Kimbul, Lord of Cats, King of Beasts and the Prey’s Doom. The Tiger is worshipped mainly by the Sandfury and Zandalari trolls, however due to their long cultural separation and different surroundings their interpretation of the Loa differs.
The one thing both tribes can agree on is Kimbul’s courage and connection with nature, the latter mainly when it comes to the relationship between the predator and prey. He is the one who blesses the fearsome predator but also the one who watches over the cunning prey, for what is the challenge if the prey is weak?
The Zandalari see Kimbul as one of honour, conviction and strength. The Trolls seeking His guidance and blessings doing so in pursuit of the protection and aid of others, to grant them the conviction to do what is right and the strength to follow that conviction.
Kimbul once had a large following among the Zandalari, but has been neglected after the Naga cursed His followers and the Tiger’s honor prevented Him from accepting new servants. Only recently did He strike out once more in defence of Tortollans, and in recognition of their abilities He accepted them as His followers.
The Sandfury often praise different aspects of Kimbul due to their harsher surroundings. They look to His strength, the bloodlust of the predator and the readiness to fight. Their own struggle against the fierce insectoids of old caused them to seek His blessing to aid them in their fight between predator and predator.
Many Sandfury believe that it is Kimbul who is the scorching sun above, judging those below and testing their strength in their harsh homeland. He is the relentless one, shredding His enemies whilst His roars ring out across the dunes.
Where the Zandalari see Kimbul as a large tiger in hues of orange and gold, the Sandfury often depict Kimbul as a pitch black feline with even darker stripes. Common to both however is that Kimbul’s followers are always fearsome warriors in battle, ready to lay down their lives either through their convictions or through their fierce lust to come out on top.