All descriptions and images are written by or commissioned for Shadow of the Empires. Feel free to take inspiration from this page, but please do not use the images / text without permission!
Bwonsamdi – Loa of Graves
Bwonsamdi, Loa of Death, Guardian of Spirits and the Scheming One controls the realm beyond and is one of the connections between the living world and the other side. It is said that all Trolls eventually end up in the care of Bwonsamdi, ever increasing His power.
A saying as ancient as the trolls themselves state: “Those who make a deal with death always get more than they bargained for.” Bwonsamdi was never as distant as the other Loa. While they would require offerings and favours before granting their blessings, the Loa of Death preferred to make deals. Deals which may grant great power or foresight but at the cost of demands often near to or fully impossible to fulfil, leaving the Troll in debt to Him.
Prideful and greedy, He ever hungers for more souls yet don’t let it be said that He is not dedicated in His task of guarding the spirits in His care. He is also not a stranger to conflict, more than willing to personally take care of those who’d insult or hurt His pride. Bwonsamdi takes great offence against any Troll who feels they have the power or might to escape His grasp.
Hexxers and Witchdoctors might pray and offer to Him in exchange for sight into what may be, what has been and the ability to communicate in the spirits and lead the wayward back to Him.

Legba – Loa of Speed
Legba is the Loa of Speed and often associated with journeys and travel. His true shape is unknown, but it is often said He takes the form of a white raptor, but can also don the appearance of an old, friendly traveler that troll meet when they find themselves alone during their journeys.
Tales speak of the mysterious traveler offering trolls drinks when they are parched, help setting up camp when they seek shelter for the night or aid them when their raptors have gotten stuck. Most of the time the trolls do not realize it was a Loa who helped them before the mysterious figure has long since disappeared.
For Legba, the destination is not all that matters – it is what you make of the journey that is truly significant. Keeping a good morale amongst one’s companions and making sure that everyone is safe and sound, as well as having a good time, is something that Legba and His followers revere the most.
Much like a raptor, Legba’s followers tend to thrive among groups of trolls – or pack – and treat them as close family.
Legba is only mentioned in the RPG-books and is therefore not canon. However, the Loa is still well known by roleplayers on EU and US servers alike, his popularity earning him a spot on this page

Lukou – Loa of Healing and Respite
Compassion and care manifested, Lukou is said to take the form of a beautiful female Troll, governing over healing and respite. She is said to be the cause of the Troll’s potent regeneration and is one of the Shadowhunter Loa.
Closely related to the element of water, it is said that when it rains it is Her tears, either of joy or sadness, that bring with them the flourish of life and the revitalization of everything that She touches.
Captivated by life, She spends much of Her time looking over the mortal realm, watching Her children as they undergo the hardships of existence and sending them moments of peace and comfort when they might most need them.
It is important however to remember that Lukou is a Loa and like all can be wrathful if She is blasphemed against – as much as She adores life, the existence of un-life – the walking dead- , is the most vile of insults against Her. It is said that once Tanaris was a beautiful lush jungle until the Sandfury began to raise their dead. Lukou turned away from them, allowing the land to turn to dust.

Ogoun – Loa of War
Filled with roaring rage, a passion for violence and the thirst for blood, Ogoun is the raw and aggressive Loa of War and battle.
His presence can be felt in battle when the beating of the drums begins to stir ferocity and savagery in the hearts of Trolls and though he enjoys blood being spilled in his name for the most vague of justifications he, unlike some of the more primal Loa, does not encourage complete mindless rage; tactics are an important part of war, after all.
Worshippers of Ogoun are expected to hold no fear in the face of death or defeat. Conflict and battle is their way of life and they spend any free moment developing their skills in various weapons, military strategy and pushing their bodies to the limit to ensure victory and as much enemy blood as possible spilled in the name of their Lord.
Ogoun is not only the Loa of warriors, however- with voodoo and curses able to change the course of war He is also the Loa of Witch Doctors and Hexxers alike. Ogoun is furthermore often related to the forging of weapons and armour and it isn’t uncommon for blacksmiths to call upon His blessings.
Ogoun is only mentioned in the RPG-books and is therefore not canon. However, the Loa is still well known by roleplayers on EU and US servers alike, his popularity earning him a spot on this page

Dambala – Loa of Treachery
Manipulative and treacherous Dambala is the Lord of snakes and subtlety who allows His worshippers to shift form or utilize the shadows to aid them in their deceptive goals.
Though considered by some an evil Loa due to His double-crossing nature, in His opinion; those who lack the intelligence to guard themselves against deceit and treason are clearly foolish and deserve what comes to them. Highly perceptive and armed with a stark reasoning His worshippers are almost always skilled with wit and cleverness.
While He is the Loa of Serpents He is often associated with constrictors rather than vipers and other venomous snakes, unlike the other snake Loa such as Hethiss. His worshippers reason Dambala’s words are dangerous enough of their own without having to rely on venom-coated fangs.
Highly inclined toward format and cleanliness, when a goal or task is undertaken the end game is of less concern than the process; it has to be perfect! Obsessed with attention to detail and with a keen dislike of any intoxicating substance (like alcohol and tobacco), the Loa expects nothing but the best and the utmost level of dedication.

Shango – The Raging Storm
Unpredictable and chaotic, Shango rides the wind in the form of dark brooding clouds – unleashing his mischievous and destructive nature in the form of thunder and lightning, often with little to no prior notice.
Quick to rage, His anger and fury cannot be easily tamed or controlled once sparked and it is said Lukou often cries before He unleashes havoc as a warning of the coming destruction.
Shango forever remains erratic in His displays of power, which is without a doubt violently dangerous. He can rather frivolously cast His mighty gifts down to see who might burn to a cinder or take up the mantle of His devastating force; it is not unknown for the element to randomly turn upon its wielder. Trolls who serve Shango but are unable to use the power of His storms often embrace His chaotic nature in life and on the battlefield, often barging in last minute with brute strength or powerful spells rather than tactics.
Without fear and more often than not disregarding the aftermath of his fancy, Shango and His followers are truly a force to be reckoned with.