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Rezan – The Devilsaur
Loa of Kings, King of Kings and the Loa of Devilsaurs, revered in life and mourned in death. Through the ages since the first Zandalari Kings Rezan has held the place as the mightiest Loa, honouring deeds rather than words whilst also holding honour above all. He was however not above holding a grudge against those who’d slight Him by word and deed both.
He was long considered the most bold and mighty of the Loa known to the trolls, His justice and noble nature causing him to be well regarded by most all of the Zandalari castes except the lowest of them, thinking Him aloof and unsympathetic. His love for the Hunt was legendary and many of the mightiest of Hunters throughout Zandalari history were Champions of Him, His pride not allowing Him to consort with anyone not deemed strong enough to be equal to His children, the devilsaurs.
Once described as the Pride of Zandalar this once proud Loa was slain during the Battle of Atal’Dazar. While a regular death was never much of an impediment to most Loa, Rezan’s essence was stolen and His body raised to undeath.

Zanza – The Restless
Zanza used to be a great witch doctor among the Zandalari. He crafted some of the most powerful enhancements, for weapons and armor. His wisdom was beyond that of many trolls, which gave Him the names The Wise and The Seeker. As a Loa, He represents wisdom, that is why any Zandalari troll should worship Him. He sees beyond words, and is the one responsible for the greater sight the Prophets are granted. Zanza travelled the world even before His death, aiding all of Trollkind whenever it was needed.
It was Zanza who first heeded the call of the Amani during the first war with the Quel’Dorei thousands of years ago. The High Elves got hold of Zanza’s magic, and thus defeated the Amani with the Troll’s own enchantments. The elves were unable to fully grasp the full power of the enchantments though, and only got hold of a much inferior power than there was truly potential for.
Zanza is not like other Loa that wish for complete devotion in exchange for blessings and boons. He instead reaches his hand to the Zandalari and any of their allies, for He is wise enough to know that his knowledge being put to good use is the actual worship, and not complex rituals and sacrifices. In His quest to aid all of Trollkind, Zanza has gained the name The Restless as He seems to want to be everywhere at once. He is often seen travelling between the Realms, seeking out any Troll in need of His enlightenment.
Followers of Zanza are often blessed with good judgement, patience and a sense of oportunity. He also aids with important rituals and ceremonies, making sure they are properly carried on, while watching over the entire process. Great thinkers and philosophers tend to lean toward Zanza, along with Witch Doctors.

Gonk – Loa of the Pack
Gonk is the Ancient Raptor Loa of the Zandalari. He is known as The Great Hunter, The Lord of the Pack and the Loa of Shapes. He is thought to be the very first Primal Loa, from back when the only beasts to walk the land were the Dinosaurs of Old. Gonk is fierce and protective of His children, but He is also as patient as He is ancient. He has seen the world and the creatures within it change a thousand times, and He does not intervene with it. All He cares for is the hunt, and survival of His kind.
Gonk’s strengths lies in His Pack, for a Raptor cannot survive alone. This is reflected in His followers, who often seek out the company of likeminded trolls to form packs of their own – or seek out Gonk’s children to become grand raptor handlers. His followers may choose to go out together in great hunts where they pray and chant in Gonk’s name as they take down grand beasts in honour of the Great Hunter.
While Gonk is revered for His boons in the arts of the Hunt, many trolls look to Him for His knowledge of Shapes. Gonk is the one who taught trolls the arts of Druidism and allow them to master the way of the shapes, transforming their bodies into the likeness of the spirits within the Emerald Dream. Gonk forced the other Loa in a deal to lend Him the ability to do this, which made Shirvallah in particular furious. Because of this, Gonk is one of the only Loa who allows His followers to call upon other Loa as well, but will still demand tribute in exchange for His boons.

G’nathus – The Eel
G’nathus is the giant Eel roaming the waters around Pandaria. While some believe it to be nothing more than a Mogu pet or simple beast there are those among the Zandalari who firmly believe He is the Depth-Dweller, a Loa of old, stirred from the deepest of oceans by the Cataclysm. It is said that before Gral tamed the waves and Pa’ku controlled the winds the seas were far more dangerous, for they were G’nathus’ domain. Fickle and hungry the giant Eel was difficult to please, unpredictable and quick to strike. While other Loa rewarded trolls for their loyalty and deeds in life, G’nathus did not care for a troll’s past or status; any troll to enter His domain was judged there and then and G’nathus was quick to strike anyone disrespecting or underestimating His domain.
G’nathus symbolizes the dangers that lurk beneath the surface and the fear of the unknown, and is a reminder that no matter how mighty the fleet or how experienced a troll, the sea can and will devour all if it pleases Him so. A Loa to be dreaded – and yet He was often praised, because the sea and all its resources – from the fattest fish to the most vibrant of coral – were seen as gifts from the Depth-Dweller.
Sightings of G’nathus were both a blessing and a curse. Scrolls and tablets tell of sailors lost at sea who saw a faint, soothing light pulsing from deep underneath the waves, guiding them back to the safety of the shores. Others report the same light appearing under ships mere seconds before the waters would boil and sizzle with electricity from the unleashed fury of the Depth-Dweller, who devoured ships and crew whole. In these times there are but a few Zandalari who offer to the Great Eel, most of them either of the more superstitious kind or those who have seen the giant creature with their own eyes.

Grimath – The Taming
Once a Troll, Grimath was the first to find a way to invoke His will upon even the grandest of beasts and break their will to the servitude of Trolls. He is the patron of tracking and taming wild beasts and is synonymous with ruthless persistence, dominance and a fierce unyielding hand. He can often seen accompanied by the spirit of the first creature He bent to His will; His faithful Direhorn, which remained by His side even in death. It is only just, then, that He is the patron of Dinomancers and is often invoked through ritual in order to magically track someone; be they friend, foe or beast.
Worshippers of Grimath carry a heavy air of authority; warriors of the path are often prime choices to lead squads though they also make very good scouts as they are patient, enduring, resourceful and fear nothing. The priesthood of Grimath encompasses these ideals also but through discipline and sharp temperament they exert their will upon the masses as though they were mindless animals.

Pa’ku – The Pterrordax
Pa’ku is the Lord of the Winds, Queen of the Skies and Matron of the sea. This Loa brings the wind to fill the sails of the Zandalari fleet, and She is the Loa whose children patrol the skies and which brings the wind to clear the air and lift Her children.
A pragmatic and prideful Loa, Pa’ku leans towards keeping Herself aloof from Her Zandalari followers as best She can, prove to drop those deemed disrespectful or wanting to their death from above. She is however protective of those who worship Her and She is a dangerous enemy: should any Troll blessed with Her favour be in peril, then woe behold the fury unleashed upon their enemies. Her followers are blessed with the ability to read the words She sends through the wind, rustling leaves in the trees, swaying bushes, the patterns of swirling grass, learning Her will and then moving to fulfill Her wishes.
Sailors are just as likely to seek out her blessing as that of Gral for without Gral the ship might face danger in the form of creatures from below and strong currents whilst without Pa’ku the sail might wither and leave the vessel stranded.

Jani – Loa of Scavengers
Jani is the Patron of Scavengers, the Lord of Thieves, the God of Garbage, Master of Minions and the Keeper of Secrets. In a society where trolls fight for the favours and boons of their mighty Loa and discard those with no connection to the spirits, Jani stands out by giving instead of taking. He first and foremost looks out for all things discarded, be it trash, orphans or casteless trolls – anything and everyone rejected by those in power is cared for by the Saurid.
According to Jani true power does not lie in blade, muscle or spell, but in hope upheld by those living in desperation. The gutters of Zandalar are Jani’s domain, and to survive under the merciless reign of those who suppress the unwanted is to praise the God of Garbage. He doesn’t bask in magnificent temples like the other Loa on Zandalar, instead His shrines are heaps of trash and the gutters themselves.
Those who serve Jani do so because they are denied of any other alternatives, but many come to embrace His blessings: His quick feet and claws used to steal and pickpocket those better off than His followers and His love for secrets and all things shiny. While Jani, like most Loa, will seek revenge on those who have wronged Him or His followers, He often does so in the form of pranks. Unlike most Loa He does not demand sacrifice or deals out heavy punishments.

Krag’wa – The Huge
Krag’wa the Huge is the great Frog Loa worshiped by the Zandalari. Krag’wa can also be refered to as the Ever-Hungry, the Just and ‘Father’. He is the guardian of the small, using His large frame to place them under His protection. A kind Loa, but also a just, as every word He speaks has weight behind it.
Krag’wa is often be described as impulsive, as His insatiable hunger can cause Him to eat everything in sight – no matter whether they are friend or foe. As the blood trolls grew in power on Zandalar, they turned to Krag’wa – killing His worshippers and turning His children into cursed beasts, the crawgs. This made Krag’wa’s power weaken and ultimately lead to Him going dormant, until He recently began taking on new worshippers. Through a giant feast Krag’wa was restored to His former power and turned His anger onto the blood trolls.
There is nothing else the followers of Krag’wa love more than a good feast. As Krag’wa and His followers are known for their insatiable hunger, eating large quantities of food is common. They will often hold large feasts in His honor, where they indulge in good food and booze alike until they cannot eat anymore, but never forget the Loa’s virtues – protection of those who need it mos

Akunda – The Thunder Lizard
Akunda is the Loa of the Thunder Lizards, Loa of the Cleansing Storm and fresh starts. Where Shango is the destructive storm which strikes with chaotic effect, reaping havoc upon the land, Akunda sends the storm which comes after the drought, after the battles and after the harvest. His rain washes away the pain, suffering and blood whilst renewing the land and giving life.
Akunda is pained when seeing how bad memories continue to hurt those who carry them time and time again. It is within His power to remove these bad memories, gaining the gratitude of those bereft of them and often their loyalty as His faithful servants.
Those who would bring the life-giving storm will pray to Akunda, seeking to help their fellow Trolls by doing so. He is not without means for those wishing to strike others however. While He abhors pain He does not hesitate to strike down those who wilfully cause it with all his force. Warriors might pray for his courage and power of mind whilst Priests might bless those about to enter the fight with calmness like that seen before the storm.

Gral – The Shark
Gral, Loa of the Sea and the Great Shark. He is the one who stalks the darkest depths of the ocean, ruling His domain with absolute power and certainty in His own knowledge and surroundings. His curiosity and love for knowledge is similar to that of Torga yet far surpassing it when it comes to the ocean and the secrets contained within.
He is believed by sailors and fishermen to be watching over their every voyage and His blessing is therefore highly sought after before any major journey or any voyage over dangerous waters. He is easily enough pleased by people acknowledging Him and sharing their experiences with Him yet the Shark is easy to anger and nothing infuriates Him much as the servants of the Old Gods.
The Naga declared war upon Gral and His followers at the same time as they did so on the rest of the ocean and it is a well-known tale told by the Trolls traveling at sea that His pain made the seas unruly as His followers were slain by the Naga. While his favour is often sought after by Trolls traveling the seas His power and absolute lack of fear appeals to many warriors, those seeking to engage in fights to the death against suicidal odds praying to Him beforehand.

Torga – The Turtle
Torga is the Turtle Loa, patron to trolls wise enough to listen to His council and the benefactor of the Tortollans. Ancient as He is this Loa has travelled as far as any other, His ears and eyes always open and ready to snatch up every tale, legend and story presented to Him or witnessed by Him.
Just like the Tortollans which revere Him and look to Him as their ancient origin, Torga is ever curious, seeming at times aloof and distant but able to be direct and firm when needs must. No troll knows all of what Torga has seen whilst traveling the furthest depths of the deep ocean but all know His strength must be great to be able to do so – though some say it is His wisdom which allows Him to avoid danger.
Those among Trolls seeking to record and keep history alive and to discover long lost parts of ancient legends and stories pray to Torga and perform pilgrimages in order to seek him out at His regular stops, spending days and weeks in silence as they listen to the great Turtle impart both old stories and new.
Those going further than that, seeking to serve the Turtle as His faithful, often seek out and live with the Tortollan for periods of times, learning their ways and taking on parts of their somewhat detached and slow nature, prioritizing always what is new and unknown rather than what is old.

Torcali – The Direhorn
Torcali is best known as the Direhorn Loa, Loa of wanderers and the Loa of Bounty, Mother of Trolls. Not just a Loa of the harvest, She is the grass itself, shaper of the land. The Torcalin, Her faithful, don’t flock to temples but instead worship Her all across Zandalar as She herself is of that entire land – and beyond.
It has been said since the time Trolls first set out from their ancient home of Zandalar to cover the world that all roads lead to Torcali, going where the trolls went to shape rivers into the valleys so that Her children might drink, and pushing aside mountains so that Her children might build their homes and settle the land. While holding Her own Direhorns in particular favour She has always cared for the trolls; Her moments of greatest joy being in the autumn of every year as the Zandalari harvest their crops from the land and lay the seeds for the following year.
The wise leaders of the trolls, from village elders to royal officials, seek Torcali’s advice and blessing when directing their workers. The farmers seek Her blessings to allow their crops to grow strong and tall. Trolls strong enough to take upon themselves the heavy armour and shield of a protector might pray for Her resilience and bravery to supplement their own in the protection of others, allowing them to stand alone against many.

Sethraliss – Serpent of Vol’dun
Sethraliss is the ancient serpent of the jungles of Vol’dun, Matriarch of the Sethrak and Protector of trollkind. She is best known for Her sacrifice in the time of the old troll empire due to both Her need to protect the twin races, but also because of Her love for them.
Before the time of Her sacrifice She was the protector of the dense parts of Zandalar’s jungles, full of love for both life and the warmth of Her home. Her gargantuan body was slithering through night and day, scales glistening in the morning due with brilliant green and brown hues. Trolls losing their paths on the hunt and Sethrak lost from their own communities would find themselves in Her presence, Her soothing words calming and showing the way home.
Sethrak worshippers call upon Her for Her powers over lightning, their priests able to create spires to power their civilization.
In the current desert of Vol’dun the few trolls living there call upon Sethraliss as they hunt their prey, but those who do call upon another aspect of the Serpent: with blowguns shooting poisoned darts which will paralyze their prey and enemies, killing them within minutes.

Bwonsamdi – Loa of Graves
Bwonsamdi, Loa of Graves Guardian of Spirits and the Scheming One controls the realm beyond and is one of the connections between the living world and the other side. It is said that all Trolls eventually end up in the care of Bwonsamdi, ever increasing His power.
A saying as ancient as the trolls themselves state: “Those who make a deal with death always get more than they bargained for.” Bwonsamdi was never as distant as the other Loa. While they would require offerings and favours before granting their blessings, the Loa of Death preferred to make deals. Deals which may grant great power or foresight but at the cost of demands often near to or fully impossible to fulfil, leaving the Troll in debt to Him.
Prideful and greedy, He ever hungers for more souls yet don’t let it be said that He is not dedicated in His task of guarding the spirits in His care. He is also not a stranger to conflict, more than willing to personally take care of those who’d insult or hurt His pride. Bwonsamdi takes great offence against any Troll who feels they have the power or might to escape His grasp.
Hexxers and Witchdoctors might pray and offer to Him in exchange for sight into what may be, what has been and the ability to communicate in the spirits and lead the wayward back to Him.