On huts and use of the city
Zul’Gurub is a beautiful location in Stranglethorn with many huts and structures, which helps in the immersion of tribal roleplay.
Please keep in mind that a player can never, ever ‘claim’ a part of Blizzard’s world as their own OOC, and that from an IC point of our trolls are but smaller group of inhabitants in a city owned by Gurubashi. The following map and the ‘owned’ huts are only to facilitate roleplay within the guild, to know where to find each other when huts and temples are mentioned. If you find another troll, guild or adventurer roleplaying in a hut you usually roleplay out as ‘yours’, do not rush and and claim IC or OOC it belongs to you – simply find another location for your roleplay. Zul’Gurub is most likely many times bigger than shown in-game, big enough for guests and visitors to find a hut and home of their own!
A few notes on huts
- Let one of the officers know which hut you picked OOCly so we can adjust the map accordingly.
- One hut per character.
- If there are any changes in huts – a character leaving or moving to another location, inform the officers so we can update the map.
- The ‘big hut’ between the twin temples and Bethekk is not up for claiming.
- If a character is inactive for 3 months or more ( inactive being defined as no attendance at events and no substantial contribution to RP outside of events) the hut is freed and up for being claimed by other trolls. Please note this is about characters, not players: if you’re on your main character daily but don’t log your alt during a prolonged time, that alt risks losing their hut.
- Max. 2 huts per player. However, if growth of the guild causes huts to be sparse, huts for alts will have to give their hut up to provide housing for new players.
- In character there would be many more huts than currently in the city, so if a troll is not around, do not hesitate to use a hut and play off as belonging to tribestroll, empty, or anything else.

1. Dah’ti 2. – 3. – 4. – 5. Sidule 6. – 7. – 8. Makikam 9. Unghul 10. – 11. Veku’jas 12. – 13. – 14. Velzat’ha 15. Faranji | 16. Ran’ghi || Laj’vani || Ghabula 17. Tiziki 18. – 19. Kua 20. – 21. – 22. – 23. – 24. – 25. Supplyhut 26. – 27. – 28. Gizura 29. Zekibo 30. Antu | 31. Soka’jin 32. Tar’ahk 33. (RESERVED) 34. – 35. – 36. – 37. – 38. – 39. Igazi 40. – 41. Taz’du 42. Neij 43. Zelu’jin |